A collection of LEG4DEV news and events
May 8th 2024 LEG4DEV PhD researcher Timalizge Munthali attended the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit’s session on Soil Health and Gender. Discussions at the event focused on the importance of womens’ land ownership and the key roles women farmers can play in informing and implementing policy. Although women smallholders play key roles in maintaining soil health,…
26th March 2024 Realising development impacts from scaling of legumes requires that smallholder farmers have affordable and reliable access to high-quality seeds of the legume crops they seek to grow, market and/or consume. Despite their many positive attributes for sustainability and nutrition, scaling of legumes is constrained for many smallholders…
20th March 2024 – IITA Chitedze, Lilongwe, Malawi Dr. Marcos Lana, Affiliate Investigator on the LEG4DEV project from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), visited members of the LEG4DEV project team researchers who are conducting research out of the International Instituet for Tropical Agrocuilture (IITA) country station in Chitedze,…
16th February 2024 During the visit of Dr. Jennie Barron, Affiliate Investigator on the LEG4DEV project from SLU (Sweden), LEG4DEV held a mini-progress meeting in IITA Zambia with Dr. Barron where LEG4DEV funded researchers from Uni of Galway and SLU (based out of IITA) gave updates on their ongoing research…
February 23rd 2024 The CGIAR’s Excellence in Agronomy (EIA) Initiative, with other partners, organized a crop modelling training workshop in Accra, Ghana, from February 19th to 23rd, 2024. Thirty-five participants from various countries and backgrounds attended, including Pacsu Simwaka, a LEG4DEV PhD student working on crop modelling for legume scaling.…
10th February 2024 On World Pulses Day 2024, the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins, issued a statement highlighting the importance of pulses (legumes) for food security and sustainable development. The following is the text of President Higgins’ statement. “World Pulses Day for all of those working to achieve food…
16 Dec 2023 In December 2023, the LEG4DEV research project, funded through the EU Commission’s DeSIRA Initiative, concluded their second Research Progress Meeting for 2023, reviewing the ongoing progress by the LEG4DEV researchers across the project’s Activity Areas. In addition to fortnightly progress meetings for each Activity Area research team,…
30th September 2023 In Autumn 2023, the EU funded LEG4DEV project was invited by the Zambian Ministry of Agriculture to provide training supports to a National Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop for a total of 60 (50 male and 10 female) Zambia provincial agricultural officers for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture…
14th – 15th September 2023 LEG4DEV researcher Adam Muhammad from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, attended the Bio-Geosphere Africa (BioGARD) Conference 2023 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany) between 14-15 September 2023. Adam presented his LEG4DEV research findings entitled “Meta-analysis: Integration of common bean in maize cropping system enhances resilience to rainfall variability…
31st March 2023 The scaling of legumes for development outcomes in Tanzania faces a range of challenges. A complex interplay of factors presents obstacles to the widespread adoption and expansion of legume production and consumption. Improved yields, sustainability, nutrition, health and livelihoods are key development outcomes that are anticipated (but…
10th February 2023 Legumes are critically important for food and livelihood security across Ethiopia. However, many legume species are not grown nor consumed on the scale necessary across the nation to deliver key development outcomes spanning sustainability, livelihoods, nutrition and health. To focus and synergise “research for legume scaling” efforts,…
9th December 2022 As Malawi faces food security and economic challenges, there is a need for accelerated transformation of agricultural and food systems to develop multiple development outcomes for the nation. Legume crops have major potential to improve livelihoods, productivity, diets, sustainability and foreign exchange earnings. Multiple stakeholders and scaling…
October 2022 A joint team of PPS-WUR, CIMMYT and TARI-Uyole researchers*, trained extension workers and lead-farmers in the use of the Farmer-MBA (Management-Based-Advisory) mobile phone application, in Songwe region of Tanzania. Farmer-MBA provides field-specific agronomic advice for maize and leguminous crops like common beans, groundnuts and soya. 1-15 October 2022…
30 Sept 2022 Legumes are critical to agriculture, food security and economic development in Zambia. The EU-funded LEG4DEV project is conducting research & innovation activities with scaling partners in Zambia which can enable them to more effectively scale legumes for production, consumption and other development outcomes. Following an intensive schedule…
July 2023 In preparation for the growing season in Southern Highlands of Tanzania which is about to start, LEG4DEV PhD researcher Mukoma Kilakila (WUR) has been meeting with legume farmers in several villages during summer 2022 to discuss the potential of new technologies that could increase legume production at low…
Recently, Prof. Charles Spillane and Dr Kieran Fitzpatrick undertook the first of many international trips to help advance LEG4DEV’s aims and objectives, Prof. Spillane visiting a trade and entrepreneurship event in Uganda and Dr Fitzpatrick visiting project partners in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
To enable scaling of legume-based innovations all of the PhD researchers on the LEG4DEV are now scanning the research literature weekly to identify exciting and relevant legume based research papers which are of interest to the LEG4DEV project and all partners and stakeholders engaged in scaling of legumes for development…