LEG4DEV project researchers are identifying exciting legume research and disseminating to stakeholders via the LEG4DEV Twitter feed

To enable scaling of legume-based innovations all of the PhD researchers on the LEG4DEV are now scanning the research literature weekly to identify exciting and relevant legume based research papers which are of interest to the LEG4DEV project and all partners and stakeholders engaged in scaling of legumes for development outcomes.

This approach fulfils two functions: (1) to ensure that our intrepid PhD researchers stay abreast of the latest developments in legume research and, (2) to help disseminate legume-based research and innovations to legume scaling partners and stakeholders.

LEG4DEV Communications Officer Isabel McLaughlin indicates “The tweets are focused on recent papers, projects, or events that are relevant to LEG4DEV in a broad sense. It is an exercise in knowledge sharing between the LEG4DEV team and our wider stakeholder community.”

The dissemination of the latest research papers via the LEG4DEV twitter account is leading to a growing global follower network of the EU-funded LEG4DEV project, fostering a sense of community around the project and encourage collaboration and information sharing.

The LEG4DEV project is using Twitter analytics to track communications progress via Twitter, to identify areas where we can improve our engagement and outreach efforts. We consider that our social media presence will be a valuable asset in achieving our project goals and for promoting the scaling of legumes for sustainable agriculture and food security.