Past LEG4DEV Researchers

Emelda Nguma
University of Galway
MScCCAFS Student (2021-2022)

Lungile Sisoka
University of Galway
MScCCAFS Student (2021-2022)

patience simwanda
University of Galway
MScCCAFS Student (2022-2023)

Tatenda Taguta
University of Galway
Masters Student (2022-2023)

Danila Valeriano
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Masters Student (2022-2023)

Shamilah Ssekandi Nassozi
University of Galway
MScCCAFS Student (2022-2023)

Harika Reddy Koll
University of Hohenheim
Masters Student (2022-2023)

Victoria Balaka
University of Galway
MScCCAFS Student (2022-2023)

Caitlin Breen
University of Galway
MScCCAFS student (2021–2022)

University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

Ashenafi Tariku
University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

Angela Wambui
University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

Babra Akello Adiama
University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

GRACE Muzyamba
University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

Fatuma Athuman
University of Galway
MSc Student (2023-2024)

Mwala Silumesi
University of Galway
MSc Student

Yuka Nabae
Wageningen University & Research
Masters Student (2022-2023)

Paolo dal Lago
Wageningen University & Research
Masters Student (2022-2023)

Fritz Eckstein
Wageningen University & Research
Masters Student (2022-2023)
LEG4DEV will be recruiting researchers, affiliate investigators & additional team members on an ongoing basis.